June 19, 2011

Lake Shasta Trip 2011

Okay, so as I informed you guys in my last post, I was invited to spend a week up in Redding, CA, with my boyfriend, his brother, his dad, and other people. It seems like a crap load of people, but half the people that usually show up on the houseboat, didn't. The people who usually go are: Mamoose, Papa, Larry, William, Dalton, Mike, Megan, Kevin, Diane, Avery, and Jessica with her baby son, Kevin. A LOT OF PEOPLE RIGHT? Anyway, before we even get into the trip, we have to talk about the freaking ten hour drive it takes to even get to Redding. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE long car rides, but I cannot be expected to sit still for ten hours straight non-stop. It's exhausting, and I'm not even doing anything. Lol. The people in the car consisted of myself, Larry (Dalton's Dad), William (Dalton's Bother), and Dalton. Not a lot of people for the second biggest car made. (For Chevy at least-- Larry Brags about his big Suburban).

It's actually really spacey and comfortable, but hell no, EVEN THIS CAR CANNOT SATISFY ME FOR TEN HOURS.
During the drive there and back, I played on the PS2. How? By plugging in wire cables into the lighter gauge. It took a few hours of convincing me to even plug anything into that car, I thought it would explode, but apparently Dalton has done this for years. Poor guy has to go through this drive EVERY yes, TWICE a year. 

Dalton's mini TV in my lap. Gotta love road trips and teenage boredom. I basically hogged the TV, I felt horrible. LOL. Although, Dalton had his PSP. (Hate that freaking thing-- Wanna chuck it out a window).


On with the trip! When we first started driving, we ended up stopping at some ran called Harris Ranch. It's freaking GORGEOUS. I was in awe the entire time there! Their pool was huge! And they had cow couches! And fountains! AND AND AND AND (Gush gush gush gush).

I wanted to stay there for days. Lol, but sadly all really nice hotel stays must end. :(. Sad face.

I loveeeddddd that pool!


After staying in the lovely hotel, we headed for Redding. On the way, I took some poorly shot pictures of some tall buildings in Sacramento. Lazy much? 

How sloppy, you can even see my bracelet and skin reflection. :(.

I never got any pictures of Mamoose and Papa because they were sick, and I didn't wanna be like "Here let me shine this big flash in your face". They were really sweet though. Mamoose had a stroke fifteen years ago, so she has meds she has to take and has short term memory problems. But surprisingly she remembered me through out the entire trip, and welcomed me to the family. (EEP). You have no idea how good it feels to me when I'm excepted as part of the family. So obviously Mamoose and Papa didn't come out on the house boat, which is good, because they needed their rest! Did I mention their house is out in the woods somewhere? It's STUNNING!

Fresh air is quite nice after living in this:

Ew. I know.

Before we went on the house boat, I got a little taste of the city Redding. And I must say the restaurant called "Jack's" has THE BEST STEAKS OF ALL TIME. No lie, I actually ate EVERY BIT-- Except one, Dalton wanted it. :P.

And after Jack's we toured the Sun Dial Bridge. The Bridge is HUGEEEEE. Like hundred or so feet up in the air huge.

Thank God for making the weather perfect for photography. The pictures I took here are super nice. And it's also where I got my Facebook Profile Picture.


The houseboat was nice, but on the first night I became EXTREMELY homesick and barely got any sleep. Which isn't really unusual when I'm away from home. I've probably have slept a total of 12 hours that entire week. :(. That's not very healthy. xD. But hey! One morning I woke up to leaves crunching. (I'm an extremely light sleeper)-- And guess what I saw?


Well it was, until it kept showing up day after day rummaging for food.

I guess that's my fault for feeding it a loaf of bread and like fifty apples. Heh. (Hide).

Throughout the vacation, we went tubing. If you don't know what tubing is, I'll define it as this; Getting dragged behind a boat that's going 30-60 miles while the person driving is trying to throw you off an inflatable circle thing. It's painful. It's still really fun though. I have scars on my elbows and legs from it, Lol.

If we weren't tubing we were usually taking boat rides up random parts of the river. When we took boat rides that usually meant that we would go fishing/trolling. I only caught two fish that entire trip. ;(. Super sad since we fished more than two times a day. But hey at least I caught them. I didn't take any pictures because the one time we went fishing and I didn't bring my camera, I caught two fish. So sorry on my part.

AND if we weren't fishing, on boat trips we'd go swimming in random places. Dalton actually jumped off part of some bride out in the middle on the lake. I was in the water, so didn't have time for a picture. Lol. And one thing really creeped me out when we went swimming anywhere; I realized the water was 400 or so feet deep, and who knows what is swimming around underneath you. And apparently Dalton's brother, Will, kicked a fish when he jumped in the water--- That was hilarious!

I'll finish the post in a bit, sorry it's taking so long to update, I'm just busy. Lol. :) <3.


June 7, 2011

Quick Update!

Haven't blogged in a while, and for a good reason. So far summer has been a bummer! But starting this Friday, all that will change! I will be going up north to Redding, CA, to meet and visit my boyfriend's (Dalton's) grandparents. I'm so nervous! -CRY-. Did I mention we'll be floating on Lake Shasta for a whole week in a house boat. Totally in heaven. With that insider information-- I bought two new books from Barnes and Noble today.

First Was: Cryptic Cravings- Ellen Schreiber:

And Second Was: Does the Noise in my Head Bother You?- Steven Tyler

(Just in case you have no idea who Steven Tyler is-- SHAME ON YOU!-- He's the lead singer from Aerosmith. And if you have no idea who that band is, then buy a damn CD).

Anywho, I finished reading Cryptic Cravings, which sucks majorly for me. That was supposed to be the book I was going to read on that 8-9 hour drive up north. Uh well, looks like I'm stuck with sleeping. (Yeeep). 

I would bring the other book, but mom insists she must read it first. (Bleh). 

It's 11:11 MAKE A WISH!

I just noticed I wish in prayer form, interesting.

It's late, time for bed. Wish me luck!

-Kupo, and her oh so fabulous Dalton.