January 30, 2011

Ignorant People

Know what I can't stand?
Stupid people.

I really don't see how hard it is to not act like a complete moron.
I mean yes, we all do make mistakes, but really? Is polluting your body with drugs and alcohol a better option? I GET IT. Life is hard, it can be a bitch, it can be unfair, but what the hell makes all that stupid junk make up for?
I'm so sick of walking around campus and hearing people talking about swapping pain pills and cocaine.
And I'm so tired of seeing SO MANY people I used to hang out with become anorexic alcoholics.
It's pathetic to see someone go from this:

To this:

W T F?

(I miss this kid. :/).

YES. I KNOW. I've been through my phases too:
From mega goth
To punk, (DISTURBING).:

To Normal (Present).: 

But in my defense, I woke up and realized that the stupid makeup, and black hair, and injuring myself, was S T U P I D. I stopped the eating disorder, I stopped the cutting, because it didn't help at all.

It's depressing when my old best friend doesn't even talk to me, because I'm not "IN" to his his whole crowd. I miss 7th grade, when we weren't all emotionally disturbed. :/.
To wrap this up.

Sigh. Even if you don't realize I exist anymore, I miss and love you Stevey Face. :(.

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