April 3, 2011


WARNING: This post is mostly ranting. So I apologize if it seems harsh.

 Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my mother. I'm grateful for her, but she doesn't act like a parent.

She thinks giving me a ride or giving me money is the job of a parent. And it's not. A parent makes dinner for their kids, not the other way around. A parent helps their kids with their homework, not tell them their too busy to look at it. A parent makes time for their kids, because we do not deserve to be tossed to the side.

A parent does not place cigarettes and drugs in front of their kid's needs. 

I am VERY outspoken for my age. I know that, and I actually take pride that I have a voice. So for your sake, you should listen to me, as rude as it sounds. You should lay of the cigarettes. Didn't you learn from your mother? WHO DIED OF EMPHYSEMA? Or are you still being delusional?

And honestly mom, do you think that it's fair that I have to inhale all that side stream smoke you blow in my face? NO. I never chose to smoke, so why the hell should I have to suffer the consequences of YOUR decisions.

And speaking of decisions, the last time you chose to do drugs, and I found out, was the biggest mistake you could have made. It hurt me. You promise and promise and promise that you will stop. You get caught by the cops, sit in jail, go to rehab and STILL you continue on with it. What more does it take? If I get taken away by CPS, where would I go? Ever thought of that?

If you were to pass away, what would happen to me?

I know I sound selfish right now, but I'm calling you selfish, because all you seem to care about is your car, your boyfriend, and your precious cancer sticks.

At least I give the effort to talk to you, you text me when your 10 feet away. How original.

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